
Get in touch

Your feedback matters to us! Whether you have questions, require more information about our cGMP manufacturing practices, or want to explore potential career opportunities, we ready to assist you. We value open communication and look forward to hearing from you. Don't hesitate to reach out via the contact form below, and we'll respond promptly. Your inquiries help us get better at what we do, so let's start a conversation today.

Contact details

Please note that we cannot accept any job applications via email due to GDPR. Submit your application using our recruitment portal on our Careers page.

General Inquiries
General questions regarding FinVector, including visits

Employment-related questions
For position-specific questions, please contact the person in the job ad.

Media Inquiries
Interview requests, Media & PR inquiries, etc.

Finance Inquiries
Only questions for our Finance department (no invoices)

Invoicing instructions

Please read the instructions carefully. The vendor contact information form needs to be filled out and sent to the company representative prior to the first order. Our standard payment term is 30 days net.

Please send your PDF invoices directly to

In English
Invoicing instructions to vendors
Requirements for the content of the invoices
Vendor contact information form

In Finnish
Laskutusohjeet toimittajille
Toimittajien yhteystietolomake

General Purchasing Terms & Conditions
Read here

Marketing cooperation and charitable contributions

As part of our communication strategy, we’re all about giving back and more actively contributing to our community. We are looking forward to assisting different organizations, associations, charities and volunteering activities, that are working for the common good of the local community and seeking enablement for their activities.

We are processing applications for sponsorships, cooperation opportunities and charitable contributions annually at the end of every year. The next possibility to apply will be at the end of 2024.

For more information, please read the article below.

We are hiring